UDA Online
For general questions about the UDA project please email our Project Coordinator or call (310) 794-1397.
For technical questions about UDA Online and the Interactive UDA Compendium please email our web team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Missing data: Some charts or graphs, once generated, will only show data values for some of the categories you selected, making it appear as if data from the source table has been lost in translation. If there seems to be missing data in your generated chart or graph, take a look at the source table. (A link to the PDF is provided on the same page that your finished chart is displayed.) Most likely, the data missing from the chart you made was not included in the original data table. If you find that the data missing from your graph is available in your source table, please email us with the title(s) of the source table(s) and the names of the variables missing data.Percentages in pie graphs:
When you generate a pie chart, the percentages that display will reflect only the data for options you selected.
When you generate a pie chart using data from different populations, the percentages may not add up to 100%.
If you want to be sure you are displaying accurate data for your chosen populations, use the "Count" measurement and select all the component populations that make up the total (e.g., all races, all regions, etc.).